911 Stealth

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The 911 Skies

If you want to be a "History Detective", an Expert in 911 studies, it is priority for you to do a careful analysis of the original sources to slowly track the 911 skies. You may want to see every documentary and newscast containing original footage of 911 portraying its sky.

Apart of the original newscasts of the day, we, for example suggest the next documentaries that show the 911 sky (of course, there are more):

1) In Memoriam - New York City, 9/11/01 (2002), HBO Home Video,

2) PBS NOVA "Why the Towers Fell," originally broadcast on Tuesday, April 30, 2002, Also available at Amazon,

3) WTC: The First 24 Hours (9.11.2001) (Widescreen), Clamshell, NTSC,

4) PBS American Experience, NY episode eight: "New York: V8 Center Of The World",

5) CNN Tribute - America Remembers. Online at, Part 1: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclipsTwentyfive/911_CNN_Tribute_America_Remembers_911_Cd1.mpg
Part 2: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips19/14cnntributeamericaremembers2.mpg

6) Abundant CameraPlanet clips filmed by live witnesses (including their movies "Seven Days in September" and "Witness 9.11"),

7) 9/11 - The Filmmakers' Commemorative Edition (2002) ,

8) The Learning Channel 2002 documentary: World Trade Center Anatomy of the Collapse

9) History Channel, A&E's "The Anatomy of September 11th" In full at YouTube, the A&E U.S.A. edition.

10) 911 Eyewitness, by Rick Siegel:
"911 Eyewitness Website" (link to some samples)

11) Compilations of 911 newscasts:
Historical/Research 9-11 video, 68 min, unedited (2001) :
Index to multilanguage videos:

12) Loose Change V. 2:

13) How the Twin Towers Collapsed, Discovery Channel (check there min. 18:00, 22:40-24:50, 33:00-34:20... ) RealPlayer

14) The Fall of the World Trade Center, Horizon - UKTV, BBC - WGBH, in full at YouTube (check there min. 13:30, 22:50, 29:18, 30:20, 31:17, 36:45...) Real Player (Transcript)

15) What We Saw: The Events of September 11, 2001, in Words, Pictures, and Video, by CBS News, Dan Rather (narrator).

16) The World Trade Center: Rise And Fall Of An American Icon. The History Channel. In full at YouTube.


17) Inside 911, National Geographic, episodes: Zero Hour and End Game.

18) September 11, 2001: What We Saw, by Bob and Bri, from Tribeca Pointe, NY. See here the Google Video.

19) 17 clips from Goldfish Pictures available at Google Video: Part 1, Part 2.

20) 911 Mysteries (currently available Part 1: Demolitions)

21) CNN continuous coverage: The first 167 minutes (2 hs 43 min:) http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips19/onecnn911first167minutes.mpeg (2.1 GB), the next 45 minutes: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips19/twocnn911takenfrompipeline.mpeg (474 MB), then, CNN from 12:21 to 3:40 PM: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips23/911cnnfrom12_21to3_40.mpg, and CNN from 3:40 to 7:23 PM: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips24/1cnnfrom3_40to7_23PM.mpg. plus the last hours of CNN transmission on 9/11: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips19/11cnn911takenfrompipeline.mpeg , http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips19/12cnn911takenfrompipeline.mpeg, etc... etc…

22) ABC coverage: Part 1: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips20/911abc1of6.mpg

Part 2: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips20/911abc2of6.mpg

Part 3: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips21/Abc_911_3Of6.mpg

Part 4: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips21/Abc_911_4Of6.mpg

Part 5: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips22/Abc_911_5Of6.mpg

Part 6: http://www.archive.org/download/stealth911keyclips22/Abc_911_6Of6.mpg

23) Footage from FOX news as presented in the documentary: Global Hawks - What really Hit the Pentagon"" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 7 (.wmv 3.6 megs.): http://www.reopen911.org/video/Reopen911_part_7.wmv

24) Portion of the Film of Luis Alonso as presented by MSNBC: http://ia331333.us.archive.org/0/items/ChristianBornag911SKIES6/1msnbcinv24hsluisalonso.mpeg

25) In Plane Site, The Director’s Cut, by Dave vonKleist, from The Power Hour: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5239334224660559722

26) Compilation of the evidence of explosives used to demolish the WTC: SEPTEMBER 11: Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006

27) By Alex Jones, who warned the Nation about attacks before 911 ; Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State; 911 The Road To Tyranny; Terrorstorm...

Etc., etc.

And, if you are compelled to, to take action according to it (like signing Dr. Jones' petition).


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