911 Stealth

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Lying at the Pentagon 911: Plane Evaporated while Passengers' DNA "Identified"

Where is the Plane?

We can perceive that the lie includes the list with the names of the real persons killed at Pentagon plus "black operation 911" agents whose identities were "fabricated" and/or "sacrificed" on 911 (and the same can be said of the rest of the passengers implied in the 911 events).

Human Identification in a Post-9/11 World:
Attack on American Airlines Flight 77 and the Pentagon
Identification and Pathology
Andrew M. Baker, M.D.

Following approximately 2½ weeks of remains processing and two months of DNA analysis, 183 unique identities were generated from the remains of those killed in the attack on the Pentagon, yielding 178 positive identifications. Some remains for each of the terrorists were recovered, as evidenced by five unique postmortem profiles that did not match any ante mortem material provided by victims’ families. No identifiable remains for five of the victims known to have been killed in the attack were recovered.

Pentagon people with unprotected hands, removing the incriminating evidence that on 911 there was no Flight 77 with human passengers crashing into the Pentagon. Footage from FOX news as presented in the documentary: Global Hawks - What really Hit the Pentagon"" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 7 (.wmv 3.6 megs.):


Here you can see the MPEG of such crime and deception.

Additional pictures of secretive agents covering-up the fake at the Pentagon can be seen at http://hereisnewyork.org/: i.e., 8083 and 8324 , more Pentagon evidence removers in video can be found here and here (MPG).

The victims' names posted in comments.


Blogger A Restrainer said...


Paul Wesley Ambrose, AA Flight 77
Craig S. Amundson, Pentagon
Melissa Rose Barnes, Pentagon
Max Beilke, Pentagon
Yemen Betru, AA Flight 77
Kris Romeo Bishundat, Pentagon
Carrie Blagburn, Pentagon
Canfield D. Boone, Pentagon
Mary Jane Booth, AA Flight 77
Donna Bowen, Pentagon
Allen Boyle, Pentagon
Bernard Brown, AA Flight 77
Christopher Lee Burford, Pentagon
Charles Burlingame, AA Flight 77
Daniel Martin Caballero, Pentagon
Jose Orlando Calderon, Pentagon
Suzanne Calley, AA Flight 77
Angelene C. Carter, Pentagon
Sharon S. Carver, Pentagon
William Caswell, AA Flight 77
John Chada, Pentagon
Rosemary Chapa, Pentagon
David Charlebois, AA Flight 77
Sarah M. Clark, AA Flight 77
Julian Cooper, Pentagon
Asia Cottom, AA Flight 77
Eric Allen Cranford, Pentagon
Ada Davis, Pentagon
James Debeuneure, AA Flight 77
Gerald F. DeConto, Pentagon
Rodney Dickens, AA Flight 77
Jerry D. Dickerson, Pentagon
Eddie Dillard, AA Flight 77
Johnnie Doctor Jr., Pentagon
Cmdr. Robert Edward Dolan, Pentagon
William Howard Donovan Jr., Pentagon
Charles Droz, AA Flight 77
Patrick Dunn, Pentagon
Edward Thomas Earhart, Pentagon
Barbara G. Edwards, AA Flight 77
Robert Randolph Elseth, Pentagon
Charles S. Falkenberg, AA Flight 77
Dana Falkenberg, AA Flight 77
Zoe Falkenberg, AA Flight 77
Jamie Lynn Fallon, Pentagon
James Joe Ferguson, AA Flight 77
Amelia Fields, Pentagon
Gerald P. Fisher, Pentagon
Darlene 'Dee' Flagg, AA Flight 77
Wilson 'Bud' Flagg, AA Flight 77
Matthew Flocco, Pentagon
Sandra Foster, Pentagon
Richard Gabriel, AA Flight 77
Capt. Lawrence D. Getzfred, Pentagon
Cortz Ghee, Pentagon
Brenda C. Gibson, Pentagon
Ron Golinski, Pentagon
Ian J. Gray, AA Flight 77
Diane Hale-McKinzy, Pentagon
Stanley Hall, AA Flight 77
Carolyn Halmon, Pentagon
Michelle Heidenberger, AA Flight 77
Sheila Hein, Pentagon
Ronald John Hemenway, Pentagon
Maj. Wallace C. Hogan Jr., Pentagon
Jimmie Ira Holley, Pentagon
Angela Houtz, Pentagon
Brady Kay Howell, Pentagon
Peggie Hurt, Pentagon
Lt. Col. Stephen Neil Hyland Jr., Pentagon
Robert Hymel, Pentagon
Sgt. Maj. Lacey Ivory, Pentagon
Bryan C. Jack, AA Flight 77
Steven D. 'Jake' Jacoby, AA Flight 77
Lt. Col. Dennis Johnson, Pentagon
Judith Jones, Pentagon
Ann Judge, AA Flight 77
Brenda Kegler, Pentagon
Chandler Keller, AA Flight 77
Yvonne Kennedy, AA Flight 77
Norma Khan, AA Flight 77
Karen A. Kincaid, AA Flight 77
Michael 'Scott' Lamana, Pentagon
David Laychak, Pentagon
Dong C. Lee, AA Flight 77
Jennifer Lewis, AA Flight 77
Kenneth Lewis, AA Flight 77
Samantha Lightbourn-Allen, Pentagon
Stephen Vernon Long, Pentagon
James T. Lynch, Pentagon
Terence Michael Lynch, Pentagon
Nehamon Lyons IV, Pentagon
Shelley Marshall, Pentagon
Teresa Martin, Pentagon
Ada Mason, Pentagon
Dean Mattson, Pentagon
Lt. Gen. Timothy Maude, Pentagon
Robert Maxwell, Pentagon
Renee A. May, AA Flight 77
Molly McKenzie, Pentagon
Dora Menchaca, AA Flight 77
Patricia E. (Patti) Mickley, Pentagon
Maj. Ronald D. Milam, Pentagon
Gerard P. 'Jerry' Moran, Pentagon
Odessa V. Morris, Pentagon
Brian Anthony Moss, Pentagon
Teddington Hamm Moy, Pentagon
Patrick Jude Murphy, Pentagon
Christopher C. Newton, AA Flight 77
Khang Nguyen, Pentagon
Michael Allen Noeth, Pentagon
Barbara K. Olson, AA Flight 77
Ruben Ornedo, AA Flight 77
Diana Padro, Pentagon
Chin Sun Pak, Pentagon
Jonas Martin Panik, Pentagon
Clifford Patterson, Pentagon
Robert Penniger, AA Flight 77
Robert R. Ploger III, AA Flight 77
Zandra Cooper Ploger, AA Flight 77
Lt. J.G. Darin H. Pontell, Pentagon
Scott Powell, Pentagon
Jack Punches, Pentagon
Joseph John Pycior Jr., Pentagon
Lisa Raines, AA Flight 77
Deborah A. Ramsaur, Pentagon
Rhonda Sue Ridge Rasmussen, Pentagon
Marsha D. Ratchford, Pentagon
Martha Reszke, Pentagon
Todd Reuben, AA Flight 77
Cecelia E. Richard, Pentagon
Edward Veld Rowenhorst, Pentagon
Judy Rowlett, Pentagon
Robert E. Russell, Pentagon
William Ruth, Pentagon
Charles E. Sabin, Pentagon
Marjorie C. Salamone, Pentagon
John Sammartino, AA Flight 77
Lt. Col. Dave Scales, Pentagon
Cmdr. Robert A. Schlegel, Pentagon
Janice M. Scott, Pentagon
Michael L. Selves, Pentagon
Marian H. Serva, Pentagon
Cmdr. Daniel F. Shanower, Pentagon
Antionette Sherman, Pentagon
Diane Simmons, AA Flight 77
Don Simmons, Pentagon
George Simmons, AA Flight 77
Cheryle Sincock, Pentagon
Gregg Harold Smallwood, Pentagon
Lt. Col. Gary Smith, Pentagon
Mari-Rae Sopper, AA Flight 77
Robert Speisman, AA Flight 77
Pat Statz, Pentagon
Edna L. Stephens, Pentagon
Norma Lang Steuerle, AA Flight 77
Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland, Pentagon
Hilda E. Taylor, AA Flight 77
Kip Paul Taylor, Pentagon
Leonard Taylor, AA Flight 77
Sandra Taylor, Pentagon
Sandra D. Teague, AA Flight 77
Karl W. Teepe, Pentagon
Sgt. Tamara Thurman, Pentagon
Otis Vincent Tolbert, Pentagon
Willie Q. Troy, Pentagon
Lt. Cmdr. Ronald J. Vauk, Pentagon
Karen J. Wagner, Pentagon
Meta Waller, Pentagon
Sandra White, Pentagon
Staff Sgt. Maudlyn White, Pentagon
Leslie A. Whittington, AA Flight 77
Ernest M. Willcher, Pentagon
David L. Williams, Pentagon
Maj. Dwayne Williams, Pentagon
Marvin Roger Woods, Pentagon
John D. Yamnicky Sr., AA Flight 77
Vicki Yancey, AA Flight 77
Shuyin Yang, AA Flight 77
Kevin Wayne Yokum, Pentagon
Donald McArthur Young, Pentagon
Edmond Young, Pentagon
Lisa Young, Pentagon
Yuguang Zheng, AA Flight 77

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